A child born with natural dreadlocks is called "Dàda" in Yorùbá Language.

Dàda are children born with naturally matted or dreadlocks that must never be shaved off and their hair is difficult to comb. They are believed to be special and have unique and spiritual capabilities like the gift of healing, extreme intelligence, and physical strength.

It is believed that their strength and overall good health are tied to their hair and it must therefore not be tempered with. It is also believed that they are the bringers of wealth, which is symbolized by cowrie shells.

Apart from their mothers, no other person must touch the hair of these children.

Shaving a Dàda's hair must be accompanied by a special ritual. After the ritual is performed, the hair is collected into a pot of water containing special herbs and kept by the parents of the child. Most of them have their hair shaved off before puberty or adulthood.

The trend is now changing as with the advent of modernization, families are also increasingly locking the hair of their children and hence it is generally hard to even distinguish a natural-born dàda and a made one.

It is important to note that Aláàfin Àjàká, who is also referred to as Dàda is said to be one of the deified Yoruba kings. His younger brother is believed to be Ṣàngó, the god of thunder.

Sources: Alamoja Yoruba



  1. So if I lock my hair do I also get the spirit of wealth 🤭

  2. Lovely facts 💯

  3. Good research. The hair of all humans whether locked or not is customized and powerful and it is vital you don't put other human's hair on your head in the name of fashion.

  4. So eventually all dada do cut it?
    Hmmm that's nice


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