Doctor Eugene Lazowski, also known as "The Polish Schindler" was born in Czestochowa Poland in the year 1913. He was a doctor who served as a Polish army second Lieutenant on a red cross train army. He had just finished medical school when the Nazi's invaded Poland in 1939. He played on German phobias on hygiene and saved approximately 8,000 Jewish people. Typhus was spreading across the country. He discovered a particular bacteria strain (Proteus OX19) that when injected into a person would cause them to test positive to Typhus without actually suffering the illness. On seeing this, he used his position as a doctor treating people travelling through a nearby station to conceal his supply of medicine. Lazowski started injecting non-Jews, he knew that the Germans will immediately kill Jewish people injected with Typhus. He then sent blood samples to German labs. Once Typhus was detected, the Nazi's immediately quarantined the area. Due to the number of soldiers that ...