
Showing posts from January, 2024


In 1963, a Turkish man was renovating his house when he knocked down a wall and stumbled on a tunnel like passage that led to other passage. The appropriate authorities were called and after a long and thorough investigation, it was realized that this man had found an ancient architectural masterpiece. This masterpiece turned out to be the long lost yet preserved city of Derinkuyu. The subterrenean city is up to 18 stories with an astonishing depth of 280 feet. It could comfortably house 20,00 people with their livestock. Ventilation shafts were also dug up for oxygen to the upper levels. Although archeologists have been unable to tell who built it, it is believed to have been built by the Phrygians in the 8th -- 7th centuries. When the Phrygian language died out in Roman times replaced with the Greek language, the inhabitants now Christians expanded their carvens to deep multiple level structures adding the chapels and Greek inscriptions. The city(Derinkuyu) was fully formed in the


  In a world that constantly evolves, so do our beauty standards. The perception of what is beautiful has experienced significant shifts throughout history and continues to do so in the present day. This evolution, in my opinion, is a reflection of our ever-changing society, and it carries both positive and negative aspects. Firstly, the evolution of beauty standards can be seen as a positive sign of progress. It shows a growing awareness and acceptance of diversity. In the past, beauty ideals were often narrow and exclusive, favoring a certain body type, skin color, or facial features. However, we now see a broader appreciation for different shapes, sizes, and ethnicities. This inclusivity celebrates the uniqueness of each individual, promoting self-acceptance and self-esteem. Moreover, the media, fashion industry, and beauty brands have started embracing a more diverse range of models and actors, challenging the traditional norms. This shift allows more people to see themselves r